Sunday, November 19, 2006

Information and me

I gave a presentation to my colleagues about my teacher blog. As a result, there are now two more blogs in the world. It was really cool when they came up to me to show me their blogs, as if I really knew what I was doing. Both are much younger than me and I took absurd pleasure in being able to introduce them to new technology. On the internet age is not an issue. One is an intern who is a UCONN masters student and she talked about how this would be able to help her communicate to her teacher. I really appreciate all that everyone of you have taught me. This technology has really helped me open up new avenues of expression and information gathering and communication.


Printer's Devil said...

of course, the very idea of blogging is a meme, is viral.

Kindel said...

I've just read your entire teaching blog. I'm hooked. I really want to start this with my classes. Do you know if many of your students check the blog? Do you forsee ever making commenting on it every so often manditory?

littleaboutlittle said...

Some have checked it out, but not as many as I hoped. I bet next semester's honor class will be all over it. I will have them begin to comment in the near future. My friend, who teaches AP, used his blog in class and had them answer a prompt. The only issue I'm wrestling with is making sure they can't be identified outside the class. The young intern was told not to use her blog because of the privacy issue.

Kindel said...

Maybe I'll have my students come up with code names...anonymity is what its all about.