Sunday, November 05, 2006

I may rue the day I wrote this...

I will miss class tomorrow so I thought I'd blog about my political decision making and the information I access. I think of myself as a relatively informed voter, but I find that my decisions tend to be more emotional than I'd like to admit. I read a lot but I'm like most voters in that I tend to believe those articles and blogs that reinforce my views. My reading is mostly newspapers, web sites, and, now, blogs. It's seldom that something changes my mind unless I'm really on the fence. One thing that recently informed my thought process was a reawakening to the way in which Congress works and the great importance of who is in power (a Washington friend who is a lobbiest was depressing mw with the details). So, I may like a Republican, but if I want a foil to the Executive, I need to think in terms of voting for a candidate of the party who opposes the Executive. I see why many have turned on Lieberman, who I would normally support (I only did not vote for him when he ran against Weicker). However, I am so opposed to the war, that I will not vote for him. I find I'm voting against candidates rather than for candidates, which is why, I suspect, that negative ads are so effective. I happen to like Lamont and have been impressed with his views, the people who work for him, and his campaign. I will vote against Jodi Rell. I cannot see how she is not tainted with the Rowland scandal, especially after the debacle involving her son - a perfect example of abuse of power, or the perceived abuse of power. I'm disappointed that there is not a stronger alternative. I will vote for Joe Courtney and against Rob Simmons. Simmons is a war supporter and I've never voted for him before. I will also vote for Bob Farr (whose blog is terrible) since I do think we have lost focus on local CT legal concerns in pursuit of publicity driven suits. Interestingly, I will vote for Cathy Cook since she was so impressive on Colin's show and it appears that the Comptroller's office has not been on task. So here is my voting philosophy and I'm not proud of it - throw da bums out.

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