Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Village Pump this...

I am cruising through Wikipedia - some observations. I am in the Village Pump (a slightly self-conscious name) and found a series of posts under the title "Editors Who Are Vandals, and Thugs and Ferals" (By the way, vandal and thug appear to fall in the category of the unthought-of racial bias I discussed in my last post) The posts sound like bad dialogue and names from Star Trek. Longhair is attacked by Durova over the Rfc and Gundagai page. There are comments by Golden Wattle and NuclearZerO. There are temper fits and all kinds of verbal carnage. My favorite line is "You cannot have dispute resolution by yourself and RfC is not a punishment." What’s wrong with multiple personalities? Based on the tone and tenor of the post, they could only resolve a dispute with oneself and Rfc does sound like punishment to me. Beam me up, Scottie.

Why is it that grown people run around with masquerade names? It really is like Warcraft where personas are put on before going into imaginary battle - in this case, content battle. I think the ethos of the site is diminished by the masquerade. It is too geeky and childish. It’s almost as geeky as sitting at home writing notes to your future self or an unknown audience you never know will read you stuff.

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