Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm going back in the archives and looking at all the blogs I missed or did not quite understand. I have found reading many of the blogs confusing or uninteresting. I'm a little put off by dooce, especially when I see the pictures of her daughter (who really is cute) and the personal details of her life. It reminds me of reality TV or the Truman Show. I suspect its an age thing (I'm 49 tomorrow) or, perhaps, a cultural issue. The sense I got was that she is selling a little of herself, and her daughter.

I went searching for new blogs by experimenting with hitting the next blog key. It was great. I found this blog with wonderful pictures of Hong Kong (check out the chicken feet). I commented and asked if I can use some of the pictures in my class. My only concern is how will I know if they commented. The adventure continues...


HighlyAdorned said...

I think it is interesting to see what people like to read in blogs. I prefer blogs that go into personal details because I get the sense that I know the person a little bit and to me those blogs are just more interesting (I like politics to some extent, but don't love the blogs that focus solely on that). Different strokes for different folks I guess. I think you are onto something about the reality tv thing though. Many blogs do give you that sense.

Happy Birthday by the way!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday ... tomorrow.


(from the class on Monday). I enjoyed reading your post on the evening, btw.