Monday, October 02, 2006

I read Dan's also Brenda's blogs. Two comments: Dan compares bloggers to people who follow a show and then discuss it constantly. The issue is that some blogs are like these viewers, but there are also now bloggers who are producers, creators. They create the environment in which the blogs respond and then present the response as if it spontaneously grew from the community. The line between reality and created,fake reality is blurred. Sorry for the oxymoron.

Brenda's issue is one that makes sense to me - that is there is no filter, editor, in blogging. Ideas are raw, and good is easily mixed with bad. Credibility is the issue because there is no attempt at building ethos. Pathos is presented as if it were logos, emotion becomes logic in the minds of many bloggers and their readers either give up or choose not to differentiate the material.

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