Sunday, October 29, 2006

MetaFilter and beyond

Some thoughts for class or later...

I like MetaFilter. It is the kind of site that I find interesting and easy to use. One can easily get lost, but in a positive way. For an information junkie, it's a great fix.

I was intrigued by Aldon's comments about MetaFilter, et al being Web 1.0. The web is different than many other mediums in that newness lends credibility while experience and history almost seems a negative trait. To what extent are we caught up in a marketing, sales pitch, a disposable consumer mentality for website. To be hip is to know what is new, whether it is better or not is not the issue. You're in the clique if you know the language and sites.

I would like to discuss and learn more about the importance of visual appeal for sites. Some attract me and seem easy to use, while others turn me off and I find them confusing. I liked digg but not clipmarks. I'm sure its a personality, age, culture thing, but one worth exploring.

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