Thursday, February 01, 2007

Me and Humbaba

Time flies. It's hard to believe how long its been since I blogged. Of course, I'm blogging on two class blogs so I'm fulfilling part of my need to write in those venues. However, its fun to have this break and see how frustrated I was when I last blogged. A lot has changed. We started a new semester and the problem girls have been out of the POD. It is truly amazing how quiet and calm the POD has become with the simple absence of two people. I really like my new classes. I start the day off with an honors class and its great to work with receptive minds. We started reading Gilgamesh two days ago. Now, Gilgamesh is my favorite epic, but I'm usually an interested audience of one. Yesterday, we were reading aloud and I was comparing the text to sections of Genesis. When I was done with the comparison, I decided to stop reading aloud and was going to summarize the rest of the tablet. They were outraged - they wanted to read the whole tablet, aloud and in class. I was stunned with happiness. Today I made the error of telling them that Humbaba would be killed and several of them were audibly upset - they were so into the tale that they were outraged I would give away a key fact before we read it. This is going to be fun.

I spoke to Adam yesterday, and they are interested in continuing our talks. I'm interested and it looks better than I had hoped.

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