Sunday, September 24, 2006

OK, this is getting a little easier to do.

Ravings is the appropriate verb for the semi-sane madwomen. Ironically, while her blog was more visuall interesting, it's content reminded me of the ultra conservative e-mails my father sends me. For sure, they are the polical opposite, but their anger and extremes mute their effect. I was surprised to see her positive comments about Governor Rell. It would seem that someone so into conspiricy and the wrongdoings of govenment would be repelled by the Governor. I am surprised by Rell's popularity - how she has avoided being tied to the wrongdoings of her and Rolwand's administration is a mystery. Perhaps, it is a function of having few other choices or the simple acceptance that politics function that way.

I read "Nonsense Now" and "Coffee Rhetoric" for the past week and think I prefer the Nutmeg and Raving blogs better. At first, I found "Coffee Rhetoric" interesting because I could not understand why someone would put so much of their personal life into the public domain. I found it kind of sad. Then I found the year review where she explains her motivation for blogging, for the opportunity to write with a purpose, to help unblock writing energy. This made me realize that much of what we read is more purposeful and audience directed than simple ramblings. "Nonsense Now" strikes me as very self aware and directed toward the class and friends.

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