Saturday, September 23, 2006

I have been sampling all the different blogs and the word that keeps popping up is 'different.' I went back to Nutmeg Grater and imagine this is a morph of the original weblogs that were designed to connect to sites or information the blogger found interesting. Nutmeg certainly has a wide range of interests and her comments can be amusing. How could you not like a blogger whose heart was broken by the "traitor" Johnny Damon. As I viewed this blog and others, I can't help but ask why they do what they do. It's as if they, or we, have so much to say and no one to say it to, so we blog.

I still find blogging uncomfortable. I'm embarrassed to say I lost my blog for a while and then it took me a long time to figure out how to ceate a new post. For a blogger it might seem laughable, but I realize how little I know about this area of technology and how my mind works differently than the blogs I've read.

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