Interesting homily at the Vincentians this morning. The reading was the one about Judas and the 30 pieces of silver. The story is so familiar and the image so over used they've become cliche. Yet, it still works and it's still rings true. How often do we see people, colleagues, friends, ourselves for all love, selling bits and pieces of ourselves? I guess the sale of self is not simply the issue, perhaps it is inevitable, but the real issue is can we see what we are doing and continue the lifelong process of seeking change and grace.
What is the difference between the betrayal of Judas and the betrayal of Peter? Judas saw that what he did was wrong, but why, after walking all those years with Jesus could he not ask for forgiveness. Judas bothers me and Peter inspires me.
I see Peter in my Vincentian friends, most older priests who are more forgiving than chastising. They recognize their own weakness and in mass speak of the need to be forgiven. They too inspire and give comfort and the wisdom of long lives.